Reusing A Unicorn Gift Bag

When items come into our office we don't like to immediately throw them away if we think we can reuse them. This week we will show you how we reused a unicorn gift bag to wrap our gold glitter wands.
The kids attended a birthday party this weekend and of course they came home with goodie bags. They gave these super cute unicorn gift bags from Target.

It was filled with all kinds of candy and stickers. My kids only of course wanted what was inside (as most kids do) and nothing to do with the bag. I'm an avid recycler and thought that the bag was too cute to throw away so I added to the recycled bag pile in the work studio waiting for a chance to reuse these pretty little things. Well...that day came.
We have been getting a large amount of orders for our precious wooden glitter star fairy wands and always use different ways to decorate the packaging. We thought this would be the perfect opportunity to pull these bags out and use them as part of the packaging since the wands are gorgeous and "magical".
We took our wands and wrapped it with our aqua gemstone paper

then we cut the unicorn bag in half and took the handles off (saved those too) and then wrapped the unicorn bag image around the wrapped wand. It turned out perfect. One of a kind!