About Us
Hello and welcome to the party!
The Mission
To create head turning, beautiful and high quality party goods with as minimal damage to our environment as humanly possible.
Celebrations are a part of life so there are plenty of options when it comes to decorating for your events. Many party brands are mass produced, use low quality materials with little to no attention to detail and have a negative impact on the environment. We want to change the way party decorations are designed, packaged and used after the party. Our focus is more on custom and personalized party decorations with a focus on how you can possibly reuse/recycle the decor rather than throwing it away.
The Brand
Our shop is Party Snobs which is a carefully selected collection of party decorations and supplies from different designers around the world. The decorations in the shop compliment our brand and/or use sustainable materials.
Our signature brand/collection is Republic Of Party which is custom designed, hand crafted party goods that uses high quality materials with exquisite attention to detail.
It's not about rushing the design process just so we can mass produce something that doesn't meet high standards. We take our time with how we craft (or select) products so that we can give you the very best.
The Disclaimer
Please show us grace. While we do focus on sustainability not every design will be 100% eco friendly but there will be some element. With certain party designs being carefully hand crafted there may be some slight differences in the material/color.
We use a lot of wood and paper. There are natural imperfections in wood. It's important to keep in mind that wood materials were once trees, breathing and working to survive. While we try to only design on the most perfect pieces we also embrace the beautiful imperfections so your wooden products may come with visible mineral streaks or a darker grain. The majority of our paper is 100% genuine recycled tissue paper, there is a very slight chance of short fibers showing tiny specks or pin holes. However, you can rest assured that these do not take away from the look and performance of the tissue.
Our packaging and shipping boxes are mostly plant based and/or recycled whenever possible
Friendly tip - sign up to become a Party Snob and keep an eye out for our newsletters. We'll use them to explore the ideas of how everyone can afford to party in style and lead a more sustainable lifestyle.
Words Of Wisdom
Live beneath your means. Return everything you borrow. Stop blaming other people. Admit when you make a mistake. Give clothes not worn to charity. Do something nice and try not to get caught. Listen more, talk less. Everyday take a 30 minute walk. Strive for excellence not perfection. Be on time. Don't make excuses. Don't argue. Get organized. Be kind to people. Be kind to unkind people. Let someone cut ahead of you in line. Take time to be alone. Cultivate good manners. Be humble. Realize and accept that life isn't fair. Know when to keep your mouth shut. Go an entire day without criticizing someone. Keep God First. Learn from the past. Plan for the future. Don't sweat the small stuff. It's all small stuff.
Tag us on your pics and show us how you use our products on Instagram or Facebook @RepublicOfParty